Old friends

I had brunch with two people who mean the world to me. We all worked together in a kindergarten team many years ago. L on the left was our shared aide and M & I the classroom teachers. I was very young , it was my third year teaching( three years before this photo where I was 27 ), M's very first. We worked together in the '70s when Early Childhood Education was developmentally based, hands on learning through play, experiences and manipulation ... of more than just a pencil on paper. It's all data/test score driven drivel now. M& I feel it actually amounts to a form of child abuse, 5 year olds who can't take their coats off by themselves without a bit of help are expected to excel in paper and pencil tasks in a very structured setting. M is still in the business, she's a new Doctor of Education and is a special needs K teacher now going into classrooms to provide services. She fights to keep kids who just need time to mature off of official education plans.

Enough of that rant, we had a long breakfast that went into a long lunch catching up from our last get together. I love them very much and we laugh and could be right back in our classrooms together, we had so much fun and were a really wonderful team.

Driving just a couple of miles to the Senior Center after lunch in a hot car with AC struggling to cope was a drenching experience. I went to test the DVD G helped me add music to for a Garden Club presentation on Thursday. It worked just fine in the wide screen TV. I endured the hot car again for a 2 minute ride home. It is not cool by any means here either, we are all wilted from this unending heat. I heard it's in the high 90's in Alaska!! The Jet Stream has made it's way too far north, unreal!!

For the Record,
This day came in BEASTLY HOT.

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