
By Brookeside

No, my face a mess, never!

Last night everyone had a great sleep! It was much needed and mummy was very thankful this morning she said. She dropped me at granny's and I had breakfast there as usual. But today papa was eating his toast at the same time I was and I decided to copy everything he did! When he took a bite I had to and when he made silly faces I made them back. It made granny laugh lots! Because I had a lovely long sleep last night I only had one nap but I wasn't too tired. I stayed awake the whole time from when we left granny's til daddy and I got home. I ate a big dinner then mummy came home and I climbed up on her for a big hug then went away and came back for another hug then away and back again! Mummy was very happy I kept coming back :) I was playing with my toy and pushing the start then stop button so every time I did it mummy said Go and stop after a few goes I then started saying go and stop when I hit the right button.

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