
By NCDWarks


My final day in Nottingham was off to a bleak start with the tail end of Storm Lillian greeting me as I took to the road at 5.30am.

An hour later I was arriving at McDonald's for bargain breakfast, only to find out it didn't open until 7am, so I had to seek another place for feed my face.

Arriving at my first client at 7.15am, her driving was off to a rocky start as nerves were high due to her test at 9.07am. I'm sat at the test centre while writing this blip and my instincts are telling me this test isn't going to bring the result we want...

Two more lessons to go, then I'm finally done with Nottingham and can settle into a routine down in Warwickshire.

Here's to a more positive rest of the day...

**Update: by God's grace, she did it!**

Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.
Matthew 5:37 ESV

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