living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


No this is not our neighborhood, but it's not toooo far from our neighborhood. Sorry, I had to cop out of the daily challenge today because our actual neighborhood is a bit ugly and dingy and it wouldn't make a nice picture, not even in an dirty gritty urban kind of way, it's just not that cool. But it's where we live for now and it will have to do, and it's all right as long as we manage to get out to places like this pretty often!

We had a lovely HOT forest fun day today at the Dingle. The kids spent a very long time playing in the little creek and it was really hard to tempt them to leave it for the rest of the walk. They also made journey sticks and took pictures of butterflies (well, Cleo didn't get any butterfly pics but she did take a really nice shot of another mother and daughter that were there). Beautiful day! Chickpea said her favourite bit was throwing stones in the water.

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