The Way I See Things


Grandaddy Cool

Guess who's been playing with Granddad today?

The Boy Wonder and his mother had barely got in through the door this morning when he said to me, "Do you remember yesterday, when I said I wanted to make a cake, an' you said we could do it today?" "Yes," I said, suppressing a smile, "I do remember that." "So can we do it?" "Yes we can." "Yes!" he said, "Let's do it!" "What kind of cake do you want to make?" "Chocolate!" "Chocolate and banana?" "Yes. Banana, with pieces of chocolate in it. Like we made before." 

So we got all the ingredients out, and he tested all three kinds of chocolate chunks to make sure they'd be OK to use in the cake, and pronounced them to be fine, and we made the cake. And a very fine cake it was, even if I do say so myself, and I barely had to clean any mixture off the fixtures and fittings afterwards. But it cooks for nearly an hour, and a Boy needs something to do in a hiatus like that, and what he ended up doing was decorating Granddad.

R and I had a brilliant day, and we're already looking forward to the next visit, which with luck will be next week.

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