A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Sweet Peas

Another mixed day, very autumnal...... but flickers of sunshine between the showers.

Shopped at the town centre before meeting M for lunch, our usual long lunch with lots of chat.  She has had her husband's 80th celebration to tell me about and I was able to expand on our trip down south, so lots to talk about.

Then we went down to see Pat in her care home.  It is a beautiful home and she is well looked after, but we find it very depressing as she can't hold a conversation with us.  It is a hard visit but we will always do it for her, we have been friends for so long.

The sweet peas have been a bit of a disaster this year, but I have blipped the few in flower for Flower Friday.  The plant is now fading so I don't think we will get any more.

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