A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Rescued from Lilian

When I first looked out just before 7.00 am there was horizontal rain lashing across the view thanks to Storm Lilian that was with us overnight. ( How have we got as far as Lilian in the storm alphabet already or is this a continuation from last winter’s storms?)
There were soon patches of blue sky and sun to be seen but they were still interspersed with bouts of rain being carried by the strong wind.

I needed to go to the PO in the village and always walk but decided that I might get caught in one of these horrendous showers so I took the car. As it happened it hasn’t rained again all day it has just been bright and very breezy. 

Branches could be seen strewn on the pavement along side the park as I drove past so it was obvious some damage had been done ( even more seen on the lunchtime news including tents being blown away from Leeds Festival)

When I returned I spotted that a whole branch on the Grace rose was down on the ground. It was full of flowers so I have cut them off and brought them in to enjoy on the hearth. 
Perfect for Flower Friday and for the upcoming Bank Holiday weekend in England and Wales.

Apart from Leeds festival there will have been so many other events impacted by the timing of this ( I saw a video of Malham Show looking chaotic) such a shame for everyone involved. 

The rest of the weekend’s weather doesn’t look too bad for us as the storm has now headed out towards Scandinavia but there is going to be heavy rain across the South and SE of the country maybe as far as the midlands.

Whatever the weather enjoy your weekends everyone.

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