curns' corner

By curns


It's been warm again. My office needed the fan again. I keep the blinds closed in the direct sunlight, which keeps the place cooler.

I am just keeping up with the need to produce work for the development team. I had to step up requirements writing this afternoon, leaving me with a nice little backlog as a buffer.

I had a planning session in the afternoon before a meeting tomorrow. There have been some concerns about the speed at which some of the developments we have finished are being rolled into production. I need to keep the pressure on people to move forward.

PY returned mid-afternoon with a carpet sample that looks like it might be the one we'll go with. However, I probably should see it in situ before making that decision.

PY accompanied me while I went to give blood.

We go to Christ Church in New Malden, where they run a donation session about once a quarter. It was speedy to get through today as they were running slightly ahead. When they were taking the blood, I sat in a chair next to a huge air conditioning unit. I learned that there is an optimal temperature to give blood, meaning the current hot spell requires the blood service to rent these large cooling units. I joked about stealing one as it would be beneficial at home. It amused the nurse, and I left her with a vision of me riding home on one of the air conditioners.

I was in good form as my iron test was the best it has been on any donation, and today, it was less than six minutes to take what Tony Hancock referred to as 'an arm full'.

We walked back as if it had been a lovely evening. It's good to see people using the sports pavilion: a cricket match finishing up to the left of the photograph.

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