That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Please... not pick me, I live here.
So said the notice next to the little flower border which normally graces the graveyard of St John's at the West End but which is now surrounded by the stalls of the Festival Craft Fair, a natural feature among the artefacts. Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

We'd popped in on our way to the bus after a super choral concert at St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral. Given by the Rock Festival Choir* the programme contained pieces that we have sung, beautifully performed with a range of composers represented. The audience gave the choir full respect and applauded only when the last note had faded into silence. See extra photo.
*The Rock in question being a village near Alnwick, not the genre of music.

We arrived home and had enjoyed a cuppa before the heavy shower that threatened the day's activities.

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