This is how I roll

By Squatbetty_film

Fisheye Friday/Friday Fail: War memorial/bandstand

Camera: Diana F+ with 20mm fisheye lens
Film: 120 Kodak Professional Ektar (ISO 100)
Location: Myrtle Park
Date: 22 January 2016

Intentional double-exposure in Myrtle Park. I had so many problems with the Diana at first, thankfully over the years I've managed to solve them. I used to get terrible light leaks until I realised why and taped a piece of cardboard over the window on the back. The Ektar film didn't work out well with this camera either, Diana's defo a Kodak Gold sort of girl :-)

I still like this picture though, but it would have been nice if the leakage hadn't been quite so bad.

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