
By Chrelizg21

Robin Hood's Stride

Rain and wind overnight, but quite a pleasant day. We left our walk until after the wind had died down, setting out in the early afternoon. Our route took us along the River Bradford to Youlgreave, then up the long distance path known as the Limestone Way as far as Robin Hood's Stride. The latter is a local landmark, an outcrop of gritstone which has been weathered into remarkable shapes. Legend has it that Robin Hood once jumped between the two taller stacks, though that's quite a distance! A smaller outcrop close by has what appears to be a stone shelter, mapped as "Hermit's Cave". An ancient trackway apparently passed alongside and there are various standing stones, including a small circle, which were clearly visible looking back from the hill.

Our return route was uneventful, apart from the stiles built into the stone walls which definitely aren't "dog-friendly"!

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