Here and Now

By Mole

Tips for Cooks Ring Bell

A photobombing waitress disrupted the intended shot.  This is what remains. Everyone looking down.

Extra does not do the scene justice, but gives a taste of the devastation.  Yesterday afternoon we drove up to North Chagrin Reservation because Mr Mole wanted to see some of the tornado damage.  We were totally unprepared for what we discovered on the trail to the historic shelter that overlooks the Chagrin River valley (that we've been hiking since we were young kiddos).  The tornado must have ripped right through the dense forest, knocking down some of the oldest trees in the woods.  The area is now full of sunlight.  Trees were whipped around and broken in all directions.  We went as far as we could, climbing over and crawling under downed trees. We never made it to the shelter.   Apologies to Mr Mole for the face distortion, but I included him for scale.  This was only one of several spots still to be attended to in just this park.  There was damage system-wide in several parks with many areas closed to the public, so the maintenance crews and volunteers are still  plenty busy.  

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