Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Heading Home

Up, breakfast, pack the case, pack the car and then, late morning say our goodbyes to No1 son and the girls.

We were heading for York but first we went South to get fuel --- where we had a laugh while waiting in the queue .... 2 girls who were unable to get fuel from the pump. Obviously they were unable to read the clearly shown instructions despite repeatedly looking at the screen. Eventually the passenger in the car behind got out and went and pointed out their mistake (going to school I assume).

Once we were on the road we came across the motorway junction that they have been building for at least 5 years .... and still have the signs for which lane to use all wrong (which appears to be a common thing in Yorkshire).
That was the first bit of 'fun'.......
Miles of crawling traffic.
SWMBO decided to take us 'off-piste' (she knows that I would rather travel a bit further than sit at walking pace).
That went fine until we came across the road with yellow tape, a Police van and accompanying officer blocking the way. Our problem was then a sat-nav that insists on trying to get you back to that point no matter where you go. Luckily SWMBO can read a map and we still keep a big boog of such things in the car.
So eventually we got to the designer outlet on the outskirts of York where a comfort break and light refreshment was the order of the day.. The 'gelato' wasn't .... it was a cheap almost flavourless ice-cream being passed off as such. However, we did come across two high quality chocolate shops, one of which meant that SWMBO was able to replenish her hot-chocolate supplies (at a much cheaper price than our local shop) which were running low and at the other one not only did she get discount (being a company card carrier) but she got a huge box of chocolates for free......

After that it was on to our friends on the north side of York who we don't see enough of.
John and I worked together in the police and was the first on scene when I was going in to work and was hit by a car back in 1976 (damned wimmin drivers not knowing what red lights mean).
We had a wonderful few hours with them and the best meal I have had in a long time......Man that woman is an amazing cook & baker.

We thought we were going to get a good sunset but this is as good as it got (taken by SWMBO I may add).
From there it went downhill and it got wet.
When we came off the motorway (about 40 minutes from home) there was a diversion due to overnight road resurfacing works (which I doubt very much they were doing in that weather) and our road was closed.
We were diverted onto another road .......... and then nothing! No signs or alternative directions. We were left to our own devices. I was totally lost but somehow SWMBO seemed to know where we were at one point - God knows how in the torrents of rain with the wipers almost failing to cope and the flooded roads.
But we got home ... in one piece.

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