Greenland At Last!

Phew, what a slog today has been!  It's funny (and fortunate) how quickly one forgets the downside of traveling, but today was a reminder.

Up at 5:30 a.m. in order to clamber aboard a bus (which sounded like its transmission was about to fall off, and smelled disconcertingly like something was burning) which took us to the airport where we boarded our flight to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland.  I could go on and on about how uncomfortable the 4 hour and 40 minute flight was, but I'll spare you the drama, and just add this list of whinges which I made as we flew:

"A fun flight to Greenland"

1.  Wait in interminable line to board flight.
2.  Have carry on bags "confiscated" at door of plane due to no more room in overhead bins (this means no access to anything we packed intended for use on the flight)
3.  Window seat ... with no window.
4.  No -- and I mean NO -- legroom.
5.  No arm room.
6.  No onboard entertainment.
7.  No charging ports for cell phone = no self-service onboard entertainment.
8.  Lunch inedible because no room on tiny drop down tray for ridiculously large lidded (hinged lid, not removable from base) plastic box containing food.  Once lid was pried open, it became a self-closing model because the seat back in front of us wouldn't allow it to open more than a couple of inches.
9.  No choice of formerly mentioned inedible food, because other than "is chicken alright?" the only other "choice" was pasta, but "we don't have much of it, so we're not handing it out" -- ????
10.  FREEZING cold cabin.
11.   Man in aisle seat has control of both arm rests, and yet still manages to jam his left elbow into Mr. W's ribs.

Upon arrival in Greenland, we were greeted with the marvelous news that "due to operational issues" we could look forward to a one hour wait in the airport before transportation arrived to bring us to the ship.

Once the bus finally arrived (an ancient school bus), the only available seat left was the one with the wheel well taking up ALL the leg room -- perfectly fine for a four year-old with 12" long legs, but not at all comfy for your average full-grown adult!!!!

The good (great!) news is that we finally made it on board the Silver Wind, and managed to have the first real meal in more than 24 hours at 9:00 p.m.

This is a sign I saw at the airport as we languished about waiting for the bus.

Extra: An illustration of our comfortable "lunch".

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