America Remembers

Ten years of so ago, someone suggested that it would be good if the veterans who served our country could be recognized every day and not just on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. As a result of that suggestion, requests for donations were sent to local businesses and veterans groups with the idea of purchasing flags and creating a permanent display in honor and memory of the veterans. Over $25,000 was donated, and today 500 flags are displayed on the road leading up to the Memorial pictured here. This became known as the Boulevard of 500 Flags.

After September 11, 2001, the Memorial grew with the addition of a steel beam from the World Trade Center, a granite block from the Pentagon, and a piece of earth from the field where Flight 93 went down outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania. All three of those can be seen in this picture. This Memorial is the result of the donations and the work of many people, and today there is a place in this small town in Ohio where people can go to reflect on and remember the events of the past and the sacrifices of many.

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