
By DonnaWanna

City Slickers

Another stormy day with plenty of rain and heavy winds that started at 4.30am which woke me up with a start!! ; ). Snoozed for a bit longer until the wind picked up again and everything was rattling and whistling and I couldn’t stand it so I got up and had a nice cup of tea and read the internet from back to front!! : )  
As a consequence I’m so tired tonight after a big visit to the city for a few special reasons and lunch of course. Dodging the showers wasn’t too bad but the wind was very annoying!!
The main shot is of Forrest Place in the city right after a big shower when people were starting to emerge from wherever they had been sheltering, I liked the freshly washed look of it all ; )
In extras is a shop window with a character that seemed amusing, not sure what it was all about but it was very Silly Saturday-ish!! : )
I’ve had dinner at Julians and now I’m home and fading fast, catch up tomorrow with you all, happy weekend dear blippers!! : )xxx

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