I am camera

By Martinski

Proof copy

This arrived in the mail today. I thought I was just getting a laminate of the cover, but I’ve got a whole printed book. I don’t like the matt finish, so I might go for gloss, and the title is too high up and needs to be lowered, but it’s the first time I’ve seen Heronsburgh 1965 as a printed book. It looks very slender but it has exactly same number of pages as Steinbeck’s Of Mice And Men and Albert Camus’s The Outsider. Officially it’s a novella, though I’d prefer to call it a novelette.
    Seeing this is a strange feeling. It was a hard write. I eeked the thing out line by line, but was later assured by my mentor, Kevin MacNeil that it flows really well. It’s humorous, but it’s more than funny, it’s about human life and the possibility of redemption. To be honest, I don’t think I will ever attempt to write another novel, it’s just too much. Am I proud of it? Of course I am. The extra pic is the back cover.

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