
By helenann

The last of the Sweet Peas

I think this  will be the  last bunch of  sweet peas to be picked this summer, but they have done quite well. 
A wet day but it didn't matter as I had errands to run: collecting my new specs from Stockbridge, and then collecting my Mother's repaired hearing aid from Alresford, and delivering it to her. 
This  evening, the rain stopped just  in time for Winchester GoLD's BBQ  at the rugby club. Over 70 members, staff, carers, and volunteers attended, and it was a great success. I had some very interesting one-to one  conversations with a few of the  members, and a couple of other  supporters. I find it sad how  people with learning  disabilities often get overlooked, and decisions  are made about them rather than  with them, and instead of acknowledging what they can do, people judge them by what they can't do.  One member told me of a recent cruise around the  west coast of Scotland, which she had paid to go on, (and went on her  own). They  called in at only one port because it was assumed it was too dangerous to take the guests (who all had had  some kind of LD)by tender to the other small ports. She had wanted to visit villages and to see life on the  islands. When they did land at a port  they had a coach trip and a teashop stop and then it was back to the ship for lunch!  This lady is an accomplished  actor and  performs regularly in demanding  drama productions. Like all  GoLD members, she is desperate to play her  part in society and to have a job, but it's difficult for most to achieve these aims. Fortunately, GoLD does provide much needed advocacy, practical help , companionship and interesting   activities, but there's  more work  to be done!                

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