
By tridral

Ar ôl noson wael

Ar ôl noson wael ~ After a bad night

“For even he who is most greedy for knowledge can achieve no greater perfection than to be thoroughly aware of his own ignorance in his particular field. The more be known, the more aware he will be of his ignorance.”
― Nicholas of Cusa, (a 15th-century German theologian

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Roedd y noson yn wael iawn. ond rydw i'n meddwl y roedd rhyw fath o argyfwng (crisis). Gwnes i teimlo'n fwy cryf yn y bore. Dal yn peswch Dal gyda gwddf tost ond nid dal hen ddyn.

Mae e wedi bod y rhyfedd cysgu yn y daytime rhywbryd rydw i'n deffro mae'n teimlo fel diwrnod newydd. Felly roeddwn i'n meddwl bod dydd Mawrth pan roedd e'n dal dydd Sul. Llwyddais i wisgo, dringo'r trac i weld y defaid, ac yn ymuno'r retreatants am sbel. Roedd e'n dda i'w weld nhw ond doeddwn i ddim digon dda i aros hir. es I'm ôl I fy ngwely. Clywais i Nor'dzin yn dod I wely hi. Roedd hi'n pesychu...

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The night was very bad. but I think there was some kind of crisis (crisis). I felt stronger in the morning. Still coughing Still with a sore throat but not still an old man.

It has been the strange sleeping in the daytime sometime I wake up it feels like a new day. So I thought it was Tuesday when it was still Sunday. I managed to get dressed, climb the track to see the sheep, and join the retreatants for a while. It was good to see them but I wasn't well enough to stay long. I went back to my bed. I heard Nor'dzin come to her bed. She was coughing...

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bryniau a chaeau defaid (fields of sheep)
Description (English): Hills and fields of sheep

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