Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3526. Walking the Labyrinth

My friend is a performance artist and she was invited to the Edinburgh Festival to show one of her most recent works, a Labyrinth.  It involved making notes answering questions placed around the labyrinth about the 5 senses.  The experience was designed to help participants to stop and think about the here and now and what impact these thoughts had on their senses.  It was an interesting experience and lots of people visited the gallery to participate.  Each participant was given a little notebook and asked to record the answers to each of the questions about the senses.  At the end we were invited to write in the present tense about where we were during the labyrinth.  My thoughts were all around the sea and sand with my loved ones with a hint of spice from an exotic market….

It was a long day travelling into Edinburgh but a worthwhile one.

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