
By MarilynParker

MOT runs and garden jobs

Picked Terry up after he dropped his car off for its MOT. It wasn't a long time after that they phoned for him to go for it. Ran him there and came home while he went for more nuts for the squirrels.
I've been doing some garden jobs but Terry said I'd done too much as I looked and felt shattered. Maybe a good night's sleep would help. I've avoided a nap today and hope I sleep better for that. I woke at 6am again this morning and it was a good while before I got back to sleep.
I'm glad I got the garden jobs done, although most of them involved pot plants and not weeding in the beds. 
The compost (a bag of our own) I opened had lots of little slugs on the outside - yuck. I left the bag out in the sunshine because I thought that would shift the little sods and it did! The bag was covered in slime though so I binned it as there was an inner bag anyway.
Terry fitted the new shower unit which did not take too long as it's the same model he was taking out. He used to fit bathrooms for a local firm so he knows what he is doing. He did our bathroom and that was a big job as it meant taking out the bath, fitting a shower cubicle, and lots of other stuff, the walls being back to the brick for him to newly plaster. It's a while ago now but still looks great. It's not a job I'd like him to repeat!
He has also been continuing to make the little platform for the utility room (for the washer and dryer to stand on).

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