
By maureen6002

Rainbow Networks

I have a quiet and relaxing day, mostly reading but with a couple of forays into the garden in search of blips. 

G and Daniel - he’s driven over on his own - have a day of moving furniture. Arranged for weeks, there’s the rental of a Luton van to collect some furniture from Mair’s old flat, bring some things here, collect a corner cupboard Daniel and Solveig want to convert to a drinks cupboard, take that and a garden bench to Meols and finally return here. Needless to say, G’s pretty tired by the time he gets back here, but that’s the final stage in his mum’s move - and really we’re still amazed that it’s all been done in a relatively short time. 

 My blip today reflects the sunlight of the early evening which hits the many spiderwebs within the garden. I’m always fascinated by the rainbow refraction that occurs when sunlight catches the tiny threads of silk, transforming webs into a scene of wonder - definitely better viewed large. 

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