Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo


From the AirBnB to the castle for Day 2.
Chatted to a Dutch mum and daughter then to the dog friendly seats for the Birds of Prey display. Generic film-soundtracky music while we waited. The display was lovely - and I found it unexpectedly moving. Helped, I’m afraid, by the soundtrack set to “stirring”!

Bald-headed American Eagle (bald=White), Buzzard Eagle, a falcon, Vultures and Kites.

Butch Kassidy, Holiday Ghosts and the wonderful Islet. Mad but a great show.

Drove C and (tired) Luna back and returned for Lanterns on the Lake (Bluesy) and BC Camplight. Couldn’t really pigeonhole the last, but definitely a good show.

In between sets, I went to the sound and light installation by Bedtime and West. Again, this was unexpectedly moving. Surround sound poems, stories and music whilst lasers projected lights onto the leaves of the trees surrounding the glade. Very effective.

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