By lizzie_birkett

New Friend!

Last night at the festival our friend, Paul introduced me to a lady in the audience. 
‘This is Liz’, he said ‘she’s looking for someone to play ukulele with, I’ll leave you to chat.’
Well, we immediately liked each other. Turns out she’s in Settle Ukulele Group and also in the U3A (University of 3rd Age) Ukulele Group.
I never went to the Settle group as it is in the evening and there’s no bus at that time. I didn’t know about the U3A one which Liz said is in the daytime.
Anyway she wants someone to practice with and also has another friend she plays with. I’m going to her house tomorrow, she lives in the village.
This is just what I need. I stopped playing ukulele during the pandemic as I got so stressed about Covid. I have been playing again since the pandemic ended but not as much as I used to so I’m a bit rusty.
I feel excited about playing with others again, I used to play with my friend Lila when we lived in Scotland and we did well together, as ‘Heartstrings’ doing the odd spot in pubs and at festivals, me singing harmonies. Then we moved away to Yorkshire, Lila and I miss each other.
Anyway, I’m going to join U3A so I can join their group too. :-)

Today I had a phone call from someone interested in buying our boat, I handed him over to Frank. It turned out he was Frank’s next door but one neighbour when they were little and lived in Chipping, near Preston.
Frank arranged for them to come and see the boat after lunch.
He and his wife loved the boat but would need to find a mooring which are like hen’s teeth! We’ll have to see if they find one. We’re in no rush.

We’re watching a series on Netflix called Self Made about a black woman starting her own business back in the days when the only employment black women could hope for was domestic work. 

Nearly book and bedtime though, I’m so tired after our late night last night.
Thank you all so much for the lovely comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s Blip.

Goodnight ;-)X

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