
By Shutterup

Made it!

We woke to a lovely sunny morning so we knew the bbq would go ahead.. or at least it was better than the wash out that was yesterday.  Lots to do to be ready in good time with the promise of our eldest arriving an hour earlier than the other guests with her boyfriend (who we have only met for 5 minutes once before) to help with the final bits and pieces. They ended up being rather later than that and arrived with about 10 minutes to spare but thankfully by then we were pretty much ready.  All went to plan apart from the clouds and wind which gathered and grew.. I had made the executive decision to eat outside and offer rugs for warmth but none were needed.. We had a very jolly time and retired indoors for coffee when everyone realised when they walked inside just how cold we had all become!!  A happy time indoors too and now I am on the prone on the sofa not wanting to eat another thing or move another muscle till the climb up the stairs to bed!  So lovely to have a party but isn't it hard work!

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