That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Pigeon Panic

What I thought would be a 'good blip' turned into a 'Good Blip' with the simple addition of a dog.

Someone keeps putting down food for the Nicolson Square pigeons and this morning they were all lined up on the path as we arrived for church. I had the phone out for a quick snap.

Immediately one photo was taken a dog  came through the square (with its owner) and  the pigeons in its path rose up in panic, however, those not in its direct path continued to feed in blissful ignorance until the message reached them of a potential hazard and, in less hurry than might be expected, also took to the air. 

In reality it was all over in a moment and I've no doubt they returned to feed the moment the dog's back was turned. I managed to take three photos and my Blip is the second.

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