Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

It was not to be!

I worked out a circular walk from Gunnerton, taking in the fascinating hamlet of Great Swinburne. I remembered walking here many years ago and having problems with the route.

Before the rain started, I went to Great Swinburne to explore the footpaths. As I feared, the only way to join up the footpaths on either side of the hamlet is to walk on private land.

I independently asked three residents, who all tried to be helpful, but there was no solution. Perhaps I could ask the residents of the Castle if I can bring a (large) (noisy) well behaved group of walkers through next week. Hmm.

I found one part of my route which you can see in my blip image. The man on the hill had three labradors out. They were delightful, but I think this image has a slightly sinister air about it. If you can enlarge it, you may see two of the dogs.

Back to the drawing board. I'm leading the walk on September 4th so there is little time to do a recce.

I visited Jenny and Dennis. Jenny remembered the area and  lovely walk she had done there. I knew the route, but it is about 10 miles and the Intermediates might not forgive me if I chose to do that one!!

Margret (next door) has her son, Frank and his wife, Monica staying. I called to drink tea and eat a profiterole with them this afternoon. Ute, a German school friend, had arrived and is here for 2 weeks. By the end of that time, her English will have gathered fluency and Margret will be thinking in German.!

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