The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


……………………….sort of day! Weather has been windy and intermittently wet so not conducive to going anywhere.

Thankfully the wee one slept until nearly 8am this morning, though I don’t think I’d slept much at all. We went downstairs eventually in our PJs and were still in them when the boys arrived to pick him up about lunch time. They laughed at my exhaustion…his latest phase is continually asking you to play with him, he then hands you a figure or two and tells you to make them talk and woe betide if you stop! He barely stops to take breath from waking up to sleeping and you’re supposed to keep up with him!

Once they’d gone I tidied up before having a nap then a late lunch…by which time I decided it wasn’t worth getting dressed. Switched the TV on to see if there were any bank holiday films on and found the Sound of Music just starting…my favourite film…feet up, blanket on and a restful afternoon ensued. Now catching up on the new series of Celebrity Race Across the World.

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