Tansy Beetle #2
I woke up early, after a not very good sleep, after hoping that I would have a good sleep. I read my book for a while, then dozed, and eventfully got up. TT and his mum went off to church and I went out for a walk. I had half a plan to look for the trailblazer beetles, while also walking a circuit of the city walls. I did walk the walls, but only spotted two beetles. If I had had all day, I would probably have gone in search of more. I thought the walls would be really busy, it being a bank holiday weekend, but they weren’t too bad and unusually I wasn’t held up by really big groups. TT and his mum made brunch when I got back home, then TT and I packed up and set off on the last leg of our journey home. It was by far the easiest part of the journey, and we were home in good time. It feels so much cooler here and we had the threat of rain, which eventually turned into heavy rain later on.
We got home to find BB stretched out on the sofa – the position he has probably been in for most of the past fortnight! As predicted his first question was, what’s for tea!! TT disappeared almost immediately to the garden and greenhouse, to check on his produce (which BB has been watering) while I unpacked the car and got things sorted out. I’ll do the rest tomorrow. There was also quite a bit of tidying up to do. I don’t think BB had swept the kitchen floor for two weeks, and he definitely hadn’t put any recycling out – as there was a huge collection in the kitchen.
Later there were the questions about University courses, which was all very frustrating, as we had none of the information – he had it all – but he seemed to assume we would know what he was talking about. Welcome home!! We eventually had fish and chips – which brought calm to the household again. I’ve got two week’s worth of back blips to catch up with now, and will get to them eventually.
This tansy beetle is painted on the gable end of a building in York. I took a slight detour to get the blip, then continued back on my walk of the walls.
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