
By Lsquare

Unraveling A Mystery!

This morning as we gathered at FBC, there was no mystery about what season we were in.  Summer in Central Texas is not subtle, so it was already getting very warm outside. We were grateful for the short thunder shower that came without warning a couple of days ago, but our landscapes are still thirsty, so we asked for more in the midst of our praise and worship that began with a congregational song.  Chris gave the welcome which was followed by the baptism of one of our youth which is always a joy to witness.  The choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented a rousing rendition of "New Name Written Down In Glory" with Julie C, on the solo verses.  The congregation joined in a few more songs of praise and worship after which Pastor Wes took us back into Ephesians 3:1-13 to reveal through the ministry and experiences of Paul His plan and purpose for our lives and for the church throughout  all history and that is to be willing to live our lives with the purpose of showing Jesus to our broken world whatever it might require of us.  We are not saved by our good works, but we are saved to do good works that point and draw people to Jesus.  We are not saved to be comfortable about our place in eternity, but we are saved to let people see Jesus working in our lives here on earth, so that we can share the hope and love of Jesus with everyone around us.  God has put us wherever we are for a reason.  Pastor Wes has much more to say about all this and you can see it on the Live-stream which will be well worth your time to watch!

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