Soggy Sunday
With Y and K busy this morning I had time to go to Straiton to buy things for the house and food. It was dry but the forecast rain soon started and continued most of the rest of the day.
As was my plan I cleaned bits of the house and caught up on the ironing. The ensuite shower got particular attention. Later I did a bit of not very much and even later had a Virgin Mojito before dinner.
The rain stopped long enough for the sun to catch the clematis on the wall. Sitting in the front there was very little sun and I discovered that I couldn't watch more episodes of 'Crime' as that TV doesn't get ITVX. Doesn't get budget Netflix either.
There were quite a few plant based conversations with the KL family. Are these nettles? Is this chives? Jury out on the first, second is apparently royale chives used in Asian cooking and good at dealing with age related diseases!
I'm fascinated by the current Twitter/X/media storm about Kirstie Allsop and her 15 year old European holiday. There appears to be two camps: those, like me, who travelled on their own either to school or further afield from an early age and those who appear to think no-one under well under early 20's should be allowed unaccompanied. Looks like a generational split. And the line that the world was safer then is, as always when people refer to the past, rubbish.
I'm also beginning to think I watch too much Kirstie and Phil. Spent ages before I got up looking at the floor plan and pics of a nearby house that has been on sale for nearly 6 months. Well it's some of the interior fittings but more importantly the flow doesn't work, walls need to come down, the sitting room is in the wrong place and why would you put a TV in front of the french doors into the garden? Maybe I should go round and offer some advice!
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