Flowers... again...

Sorry folks... variety seems harder to come by when I'm melting... But this is prettier in a larger format.

I didn't see many birds, bugs, or small animals at all today. (Well, other than biting flies and mosquitoes but who wants to see a blip of those monsters?) I gather that the more blippable small beings were lying low in this oppressive heat. And at the end of the day, I liked this image best even if it does remind me of yesterday's shot. *shrug*

To get this one, I had to stick my head in the wood chips to acquire the right angle. Note to self: Next camera needs a flip out screen. Once I got it up on the big screen, I was surprised that you couldn't see the vapors rising off the plants.... Ha, ha just kidding. But it did feel that hot... ;)

Still need to fit in a dog walk, but then I think a good book and AC are in order this evening.

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