Blush response

By Esper

Aggressive Negotiations

On This Day In History
1346: The Battle of Crecy

Quote Of The Day
"Witness our too much memorable shame
When Cressy battle fatally was struck,
And all our princes captiv'd by the hand
Of that black name, Edward, Black Prince of Wales."
(King of France, William Shakespeare, Henry V )

Amongst other factors, it was the devestating use of the longbow that allowed Edward III's 12,000 English troops to defeat King Philips 25,000 French troops at the Battle of Crecy (Cressy.) I wonder what would have happened if a few Jedi Knights with lightsabers joined the skirmish?

A lovely first day at school. I feel as if I am going to very much enjoy teaching this class. After explaining about my new Force Shieldometer, one boy quietly whispered to me, "Mr. Lewington, I think maybe you watch too many Star Wars films." I think we need a lesson on oxymorons.

A's fighting stance is much better than mine.

Into Battle

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