The Way I See Things


Peace at last

I did a huge amount of gardening today - pruning several shrubs, including two which had become so overgrown they've been threatening to engulf the whole village. With my joints currently grumbling loudly, this wouldn't have been possible without the two Stihl pruners I bought recently, the HSA26 and GTA26, but even having used power tools I was amazed when I saw the size of the wood pile I'd generated by the end of the morning. It's probably as well that it started raining at this point, or I might well have razed the entire garden to the ground.

The rain brought on a sudden panic when it occurred to me that I hadn't yet taken a single photo, and my first thought was to snap either the pruning pile or the mini-chainsaw, but then I remembered that the rather grumpy and unproductive Peace rose I planted a few years ago had suddenly shaken off its lethargy and flowered. Flowers come a poor second to insects, in my opinion, but no insects were visible at the time, and a rose is a bit more appealing than a heap of cut branches.

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