
By Dakers

Hill of Tarvit Welcomes Vintage Austin 7 cars.

After our recent celebrations Life returns to normal and Pat and I volunteered at Hill of Tarvit Mansionhouse again.

The number of visitors seemed more than usual and they were keen to ask many questions about the house and the collection.

Luckily we have our reference books and I was able to answer even rather obscure queries about various paintings in the collections.

I was particularly by some of our younger visitors and their questions.

The weather was fairly wet. However, we did have several visitors dressed in period clothes ready to tackle the Hickory Golf Course.

The Billiard Table was also used quite a lot.

Several vintage Austin 7 cars visited and they were lined up to be photographed in front of the Mansionhouse.

I did manage to take a rather ‘reverse’ view of some of the cars.

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