
By HeartFreek

Gas Gas

Great Auntie Shirley AKA my Sh*t Mate. My ex husband's sister, and Auntie to my children. My best friend for nearly 40 years. 

Shirley and Steve came over today. DN1, her husband and the boys also joined us for a roast.

Shirley wanted to make something in my pottery studio. She's very good for a beginner on the wheel. 

While she was busy throwing, I was loading the kiln. Then I felt the most incredible pain on my back (wing!) - then I saw a wasp. I'd been stung. Just out the blue. Nasty little insect. I didn't even hear it!

It was bloody sore all evening. Like I was being stabbed. I've never been stabbed though so have no idea what that feels like but I can imagine!!!

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