
By Teasel

Clive Myrie

I was up bright and early to do a wee bit of work that I had promised to do before going away, and of course there were my last bits of holiday packing.  It was a really lovely morning, though breezy, but I went out for a very quick walk.  I couldn’t go far as a friend was picking me up to head over to North Berwick again - my fourth time this week.  My last Fringe By The Sea event  was Clive Myrie.  He was in conversation with Ruth Davidson, and although it was billed as him discussing his memoir Everything is Everything, it covered a lot of ground. He was very good and we both really enjoyed the event.  We had thoughts of getting a signed book, but the queue was massive and we were both rather time poor, so we just headed home.
TT was finishing is packing, then was on lunch.  I then dealt with the remaining washing and took BB to the supermarket to stock up on provisions to keep him going for at least the next week, for he is not joining us on holiday.  
Late afternoon, TT and I eventually set off on our journey south.  We just headed down the A1 and then the M1.  We had the slowest journey we have ever had down through Northumberland.  We stopped at a service station, where we stretched our legs and picked up some sandwiches and snacks, then were on our way again.  After making really good time on our journey,  we came to a complete standstill  twelve miles from our destination.  There had been an accident ahead and there was nothing we could do, but sit it out until we could get going again.  We eventually got to our hotel.  We were both exhausted – and pretty much went straight to bed in our sweltering hotel room.  Thankfully there was a fan – to circulate the hot air!
Although I didn’t get a book, I did manage to grab a quick pic of Clive as he was signing books, just as we were leaving.

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