Gift given as a house warming present...
...when unwrapped I was speechless, Grandad has leaky-eye-syndrome!!
She told me not to put it on FB... I didn't, this is Blip, my accounts aren't connected ;-)
Let me explain....
For some reason since upgrading my phone I couldn't upload the photos straight to blip :-( It wouldn't recognise my photos as JPEG's even after I'd uploaded them on to the laptop! Very frustrating, however, I have been taking photos most days with the idea that one day I'd get it sorted!
A QUICK CATCH UP... (if you're interested?!)
Well a lot has happend in 4 months - I've rented out my family home which we were rattling around in, lived with a friend in a presbytery for a month, pulled out of a house sale with a single man who I'm guessing had no intention of selling his bolt hole of a house and We've (me, hubby & remaining kiddo) made a hasty retreat into what we a lovingly calling Plan B... I quite like it here... 3 storey house on the edge of town, if walking to do my shopping doesn't keep me fit the 2 flights of stairs will!
My boxes are unpacked and I've just unwrapped my house warming gift from my eldest daughter (see above) and one of my first thought was... I HAVE TO SORT OUT MY BLIP ACCOUNT!!!!
I've downloaded Adroblip - can't sign in on that - the 'me' and the 'subscribe' button doesn't work grrr... maybe, now I'm a Grandma, I'm turning into a technophobe and I'll have to wait until my grandchild is born to get them to sort it out for me????
Anyhoo - I have now managed to download the photos I want for blip from dropbox and do it from my laptop - still can't do it from my photo but one step at a time.... I'M BACK!!!!
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