On Some Days

By V1k1

If I Were A Carpenter . . . Four Tops

The detail on the front of this drawer is not tiny but I like it and I did use my macro lens.  I have my mothers Singer sewing machine which is inside it's own table.  I think I remember learning to sew with it.  At Teachers College I bought my own sewing machine and still have it.  The Singer is folded down inside the table and "stuff" is on top of it.  I like it as a piece of furniture from another time and it has a family connection.  
I read an article about Janet Frame the New Zealand author and it quoted the first sentence of her autobiography: I set down the following record with its mixture of fact and truths and memories of truths.    As an older person I really relate to that.
Thank you MaryEliza for hosting this month and challenging us to look closely at wood.  

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