
By isbiJG

Return to Bowraville

I haven’t visited the beautiful rural town of Bowraville for over50 years.
In 1973, this property was a dairy farm milking a herd of 60 cows and it was where, as a 22yo vet student, I worked for 3 weeks as part of my “animal husbandry practical work”. Robert H ran the dairy single handed and lived with his elderly mother. After I’d worked with Robert for a week, he considered I was doing quite well so he announced “Mum and I haven’t had a holiday for years so could you run the show while we go down the coast for a while?” He must have interpreted my stunned silence as enthusiastic acceptance so he loaded his mother in the car and I had the gig!!
As far as I know he returned to the same number of cows, a fully operational milking machine and the farm hadn’t been barred by the dairy authorities.
A true miracle!!

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