
By SparseRunner


After getting rather wet walking Django, I arrived home just in time for a call with a finishing PhD student in Paris. I thought that he might have been touting for a job, but he just wanted my advice. Afterwards, I headed into Edinburgh to spend the rest of the day in my office. On arrival, I printed the name plate I'd prepared for the door, now that it will be home to all five of team HiGHS. I don't expect more than three of us to be there at once, so there should always be enough room. 

After lunch, I got very deeply engrossed in debugging the code that I want finished by the end of this week. So, when researcher J arrived to discuss the article they have started writing, I was rather brain-dead. It's interesting to see their writing style, and I resisted the temptation to change it into what my generation might expect - they are a native speaker of English. Times have changed, and most writers and referees of articles are no longer native speakers of English, so it probably doesn't matter.

Extra insulation is being added to the roofs of our building, so the view is impaired, but my office will be warmer this winter!

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