Today has been bog fliuch (soaking wet) and so I neither swam nor walked. However I did spent a little time in the garden later in the day when it brightened up for a bit.
Instead I spent time getting to know Ceitidh. She is one of several voices available from The Scottish digital voices website but the only Gaelic one. Ceitidh can be used to text to speech readers to read out Gaelic text. The voice isn't AI generated but rather concatenates syllables from recordings of a native speaker.
I'm dyslexic and Student services at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig suggested I try it to help with some the pronunciation difficulties I have (including hearing and hence saying how the sound of word changes when lenited or slenderised).
Its been exploring how it works - there is slight artificialness to the audio but on the whole it is useful for exploring differences in sound caused by a single letter.
Chleach mi "Ceitidh" an-diugh. 'S e guth Albannach a th' ann - a tha bruidhinn anns a' Ghàidhlig. Chòrd e rium.
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