
By helenann

Slow Worm

This morning I cut up alot of windfall apples and froze them. Did some other prep for our imminent holiday, including tidying up the greenhouse where I disturbed this magnificent slow worm. I managed to get just one photo before she slithered away. They really are not so slow when warm! I sent the picture to a friend who says it is a pregnant female who will be giving birth very soon. I'm delighted about that as we need more predators in the garden to reduce the slug and snail burden. 

This afternoon I visited my Mum who was well and quite jolly. She even said we " could all go to hers for Christmas!" However, she was a bit non plussed when I  enquired where that was. ( Perhaps she really has put in an offer on a "little house"near me, as she's always threatening to do?!)It's pleasing she's still looking forward to family events.  

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