
By FergInCasentino


Better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick.

From noon the wind picked up and clouds tumbled upwards. Finally towards four o clock the banging and chair moving of the thunder got nearer and rain fell hard and fast until it was pooling on the dry as dust terraces.

The temp dropped from 30 to 17 so all windows flung open to attract in the cool.

Funny thing was when I drove down to Bibbiena for supplies - I’ve now bought the whole gamut of Lidl’s house plants - a short mile from the house it was hard to see if any hard rain had fell, as Mr Dylan would have it.

Pitchy black here at eight thirty five and the crickets have been briefly subdued.

All in all, better than expected. Coming back from the co-op under low skies you could have thunk winter had arrived.

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