
By GracieG

Coffee Shop Cheers

I thought I was getting over my ‘cold’, but then started to feel unwell again with a very sore throat and aching muscles. I felt so poorly yesterday that I decided to ring the surgery first thing this morning. They were able to give me an appointment today to see a ‘Physician Associate’, a new role between the patient and the GP. It worked well for me, he was thorough and reassuring and advised me that I had a viral throat infection. He also told me what I should do to alleviate the symptoms.

As we were out anyway, M and I went into town to the coffee shop in Bakers & Larner’s. I must say that after being cooped up at home for days, it was a real treat to enjoy a coffee and to share a chocolate brownie. I had checked at the surgery that I wasn’t infectious of course.

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