Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett


When I first saw this sight this morning, it made me jump!

Firstly the beetle was quite big, secondly he was none too pleased to be strung up in such a predicament, and finally I don't normally find beetles in the house and my first thought was "are there any more?!"

And of course, there is also the slight embarrassment of such a large cobweb under my cupboards to have caught such a large creature!! However, cobwebs seem to be everywhere at the moment... on the window frames of the house outside, hanging off the wing mirrors on cars... is it the hot weather that is causing all the spiders to busy themselves? You'd think in these temperatures that they would want to take it easy!

Anyway, after grabbing my camera to take this shot, I was very brave and rescued the beetle and put him outside. I then went and got a duster.....!

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