
By Tryfan46

Morning and afternoon

The top view is at South Lake Park at 7.30 when I was out for an early morning run in the cooler air before temperatures began to rise. Contrast this with the bright sunshine at 3pm this afternoon at Carlsbad beach.

I say “run” as this was the first run since 1st August. I shuffled around South Lake then downhill to Discovery Park and around the lake there. The return was a different matter, uphill and the sun was out. I resorted to 100 paces walking 100 paces shuffling. I did manage over 41/2 miles so I was pretty pleased.

The remainder of the morning was more relaxed with second visit to the Urban Sweet cafe where my request for a 16oz decaf americano with hot milk on the side turned up as an 8oz iced coffee with cold oat milk on the side. Surely my accent is not that bad.

With Chris’s work completed we headed west to Carlsbad for a swim in the Ocean. Spent about an hour bobbing about in the gentle surf, shooting the breeze then drying out like a pair of cormorants.

Picked up Landon from his after school club and headed home via Ralph’s supermarket for supplies for tonight’s dinner. Landon has homework every day (apart from Friday). Tonight it was reading, numbers and sight words.

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