
By Ridgeback13


Another day in what felt like suspended animation….and once again when I called at 5pm I was told I’m not needed on the jury tomorrow either.
M and I had breakfast rolls again this morning then I took him to collect his car (helping a German couple in a van find a space on the way) then he went off with the girls, Ad&L to do more IKEA and other shopping.
I did a bit of laundry and some faffing about then went to Morningside to try and follow up my Gladstone bag at the leather repairer….he’s had it for months and still not done it so it was time to jog him on a bit. Browsed the charity shop but didn’t see any of the sort of bargains MH always seems to uncover!
Home and tried to start the Blurb book but I’m flummoxed by it and it’s too big a job to start. Hate this feeling of not being able to settle to anything. In the end I made some tea and finished the novel I’ve been reading….about adolescence and young adulthood in a very similar place and time zone to my own.
Had some leftovers for supper and when M back we watched some medical and crime programmes in the background and chatted as always about retirement, pensions, rallies and families.
Nothing interesting to take a photo of, but A sent me a photo of the lunch she made for work today. They’re taking it in turns to bring food themed around different colours and she had to do yellow. She made a courgette tart (using the recipe from last week’s galette demo we saw, but different pastry) and a home grown tomato salad. Looked delicious!

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