
By RunAndrewRun

Back on the run

Back to the running-regime today ... and my left knee seemed absolutely fine. Time (and longer distances!) will tell I guess?

Anyhow, it's what you've all been waiting for: another picture of the canal tow-path ;-)

I'm somewhat surprised that I'm continuing to lose weight ... now bang-on 16stone; I was 16-10 when I started running in May ... especially given I haven't run for a few weeks, and have consumed a fair amount of Bavarian Beer in the intervening period??

Anyhow, not complaining - just genuinely surprised.

So - today's figures:

Date: 17/7/13
Height: 6 ft 4inches
Weight: 16stone exactly (wow!)
Distance run: 2-miles
Pace: 9mins/mile (still steady)

As ever, all the details on why I'm doing this can be found here.

And, if you want to consider sponsoring me - to help Venture Scotland - then you can do so via the JustGiving page I've set up here.

Running rest-day tomorrow, so another poem on the way :-)

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