CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Pink Roses

A bright day

A lazy day after a busy few days. On Sunday, after 50 years full time preaching, I preached my last sermon. This was mainly because, although I was still preaching as strongly as ever, I was exhausted afterwards. I will miss it. It has been ‘in my blood’ for 60 years since I preached my first sermon. Still, I have always taught that our work is not our identity, so I have laid the work down, knowing that I have the same identity in Christ as I had before.

I have talked with people who have retired or been made redundant and they no longer know ‘who they are’ and don’t feel valued. Sadly, you only find out if your identity has been tied to your career when you longer have that career. (Here ends today’s sermon).

In the garden, our pink roses are putting on a lovely display, which is a blessing.

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